Photosynthetic complex activity of the bryophytes on the transformed coal mining territories


Karpinets L., ,Baranov V.,Sokhanchak R.,Beshley S., , ,


It was investigated the seasonal dynamic of photosynthetic pigments content in shoots of the Ceratodon purpureus from different positions and local growing on dumps of the Chervonograd mining district. It was established that the quantitative composition of the a & b chlorophyll (chl a and chl b), ratio of the a/b and chlorophylls/carotenoids (Chl/K) in the moss cells changed depending on the position of their local growing on dumps and microclimatic conditions: temperature regime, solar radiation and humidity of the substrate. It was found that in April on open areas where Ceratodon purpureus grew, the content of chlorophyll a in its shoots increased, in July the amount of green pigment (chl a) significantly decreased, and the a/b ratio was lower than in spring. In the summer, content of the carotenoids in the moss cells on the illuminated areas increased, compared to the spring indicators, which prevented possibility of the photooxidation and formation of the free radi­cals under conditions of high insolation and temperature. In autumn, the content of both green pigments and auxiliary pigments in the Ceratodon purpureus shoots, selected from different positions of dumps, mostly decreased, compared to the summer indicators. Chan­ges in quantity and ratio of pigments in different periods of the year on the dumps testified about adaptive character of the mosses photosynthetic system, which contributed to more efficient using of the different intensities solar radiation. Depending on the position on the rock dumps and the degree of their reclamation, the indicators of the chlorophyll index for mosses synusiae were determined. It was found that the indicators of the chlorophyll index depended on the ecological conditions of moss growing in the technogenic environment, the composition of the bryoflora, the amount of green pigments in the photosynthetic organs, and the area of the assimilating surface. For the studied briosynusiae the largest stock of phytomass and the indicators of the chlorophyll index was determined on the dump of the “Nadiya” mine, and the smallest on the dump of the Central Enrichment Factory in the monospecies group Ceratodon purpureus – syn. Were established higher productivity indicators in synusiae, which includes Campylopus introflexus with biomorphic structure of the dense turf, which forms the largest over ground phytomass in growing conditions, compared to other species. The chlorophyll index can serve as an important criterion for assessing the participation of mosses in the production process of plant cover on transformed territories.


Ivan Franko National University of Lviv


General Medicine

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