Mass and momentum turbulent transport experiments with swirling confined coaxial jets. II




1. United Technologies Research Center, EastHartford, CT


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference14 articles.

1. The fla visualization tests and the axial v e l o c l measurements indicated that a recirculation zone existed near the test section centerline for axlal locations 40 m < z < 167 mn. The results shan in Fig. 6 Indicate that there Is I l t t l e manentum transport near the centerl ine, rIR < 0.4, for axial locations, z = 51 mn and ? = 102 m, the upstrea end of the center 11ne recirculation mil. There was a weak negative manenturn flux for r/R < 0.4 at z E 152 which is cIose 1' to theo downstrean edge of the centerl Ine recirculation zone. The munentum turbulent transport rate near the outside wal I, r/R > 0.8 was stlII positive at z = 51 mn but b c m e essentially zero at z = 1-2 mn indicating that the end of the reclrculatlon xone near the outslde wall Is located between z = 51 m and z = 102 mn which Is consistent with the results of the axial and radial velocity measurements and the flow visual Izatlon tests. A t axial locations, 51 nun < Z < 203 m, the manentum turbulent transport rate was negative (consistent wlth the axial veloclty gradient) and was essentially zero for z > 305 m.

2. EI -0.02 -0.04 -0.06-0.0800.

3. 2=25 mm 2-102 mm

4. 2-25 mm 0.06 0.04 .

5. 2-203 mm

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