1. The fla visualization tests and the axial v e l o c l measurements indicated that a recirculation zone existed near the test section centerline for axlal locations 40 m < z < 167 mn. The results shan in Fig. 6 Indicate that there Is I l t t l e manentum transport near the centerl ine, rIR < 0.4, for axial locations, z = 51 mn and ? = 102 m, the upstrea end of the center 11ne recirculation mil. There was a weak negative manenturn flux for r/R < 0.4 at z E 152 which is cIose 1' to theo downstrean edge of the centerl Ine recirculation zone. The munentum turbulent transport rate near the outside wal I, r/R > 0.8 was stlII positive at z = 51 mn but b c m e essentially zero at z = 1-2 mn indicating that the end of the reclrculatlon xone near the outslde wall Is located between z = 51 m and z = 102 mn which Is consistent with the results of the axial and radial velocity measurements and the flow visual Izatlon tests. A t axial locations, 51 nun < Z < 203 m, the manentum turbulent transport rate was negative (consistent wlth the axial veloclty gradient) and was essentially zero for z > 305 m.
2. EI -0.02 -0.04 -0.06-0.0800.
3. 2=25 mm 2-102 mm
4. 2-25 mm 0.06 0.04 .
5. 2-203 mm