1. LIFTEffective ramp gain is probably no more than 20 knots speed reduction overtheconventionalflat launch, althoughon afree-run launch even this small change would reduce roll distance by an attractive 30% in still air, and by perhaps approaching 50% in strong headwinds, allbeit in a basic flat roll distance of order 2000 ft (6Wm)or more on land, and about half this on a flat leveldeck. Fig.A2 shows, for a Type C aircraft, the increasingramp performance gain which is given by increased T/W, provided controllability problemscan be overcome. This diagram tells us that high thrust-to-weightratio aircraft, which cancontinueto acceleratein the upward trajectory off a ramp, are likely to provemore effective inexploitingthe Ski-Jump launc!.
2. (Royal) Navy News, November 1977 FIG.A7 IT'S FEAROF UNTHOUGHT-OUTTHAT