1. From Figure 10, it can be seen that theARC-246 has a higherburningratethanARC-428. HadtheGGbeenignited with a valve setting corresponding to 1380psi for theARC-428,theARC-246wouldhavegeneratedadan-gerouslyhighpressure. Thus,thethrottlevalveareawas set to 0.16 in2(Position 1in Figure 10 andTable 4) to givea 0.5 sec.longburn ofARC-246 at 1600psi. Results ofTest#5 ThepintlepositionandGGpressureplotsforTest#5 are shown in Figure 11. Downstream pressure data is providedinReference 3. Near-steadystatedatapointsinthe time history are identified in the figure and the correspondingparameters are presentedinTable 5.
2. Thomaier (Reference 7), presents aderivation ofthe dynamics of another throttled solid propellant GG-based system,theductedrocket. BecauseofthesimilaritiesbetweentheATRGGandthatoftheductedrocket,thederivation of Reference 7 is used as the starting point (Equations 1-5)in the currentmodelingeffort.
3. n=(9.35£-ll)P03-(3.55E-7)P02+ (4.56E-4)P0+5.87-2 (7)