1. A review and applicability assessment of MEMS-based microvalve technologies for microspacecraft propulsion
2. The micro-isolation valve - Introduction of concept and preliminary results
3. Theactual valueofthe calculated resistance during the valve opening process is of little importance in this approach sincethe peak is merely used as a marker intime, regardlessof itssize.However, it ispossiblethatthepeak is also being shifted to the left inthisprocess.For thevalveof Fig. A5, the post test resistance value measured under steady state conditions was 26.65 Q. If one were to extrapolate the initial incline of the resistance trace to this value, as indicated by the dashed line in Fig. A5, a crude estimateregardingthe shift ofthispeakto the left ofFig.A5 results. As indicated bythe dashed lines, the resulting valve actuation times may be increased by between 50-100 % in thiscase.