1. D.Jacobson et al, "Test Results of a 200 W Class Hall Effect Thruster1,AIAA-98-3792 - Performance at normal operating point of 200W
2. D.Manzefla et ai, "Evaluationof Low Power Hall Thruster Propulsion",AIAA-96-2736 -Advertisedperformance at design point
3. J. M. Sankovic et ai, "Performance Evaluation of a 4.5KW SPT Thruster", IEPC-95-30 - Performance varied with cathode flow Performance varied with cathode fiow
4. Baseline testing evaluated the performance of the thrusters over a range of input power, propeliant mass flow/rate, and discharge voftage. The propellant flow rate to the hollow cathode was adjusted to 5 - 10% of the mass flow to the anode. For these tests the thruster body was grounded and the cathode allowed to float. Commercially available power supplies were used to operate the discharge, cathode heater and keeper and all magnets. The facility pressure was,depending on the total flow rate, between 5x1Q6torr and 2x10'5torr. No correction for the effects of facility background xenon pressure are included in the data presented.