1. `Nobhs, S.G., Jacobs, S.W, and Donahuc, D.J. "Dcvclopmcnt of thc l\l1-1SnvclopcI'crforrnnncc Seck
2. 'Cilyard, Glenn n. and Orrric, John S. "Subsonic Flight TESL Evaluation of a Pcrform:incc Sccking Control Algorithm on an 1.`-15 Airplanc," AIAA-92-3743, July 1092.
3. 511igilal Elecllanic hgirte Cortlrol (IIEIX) Flight Evdualion in an F-15Airplane. Procccdings of a minisyrnposium hcld at the NASA Ilrydon Flight Research