1. 'Johnson, F. T., Samant, S. S., Bieterman, M. B., Melvin, R. G., Young, D. P., Bussoletti, J. E., and Hilmes, C. L. "TRANAIR: A Full-Potential, Solution-Adaptive Rectangular Grid Code for Predicting Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flows About Arbitrary Configurations (Theory Document)," NASA CR-4348, Dec.1992.
2. 2Johnson, F. T., Samant, S. S., Bieterman, M. B., Melvin, R. G., Young, D. P., Bussoletti, J. E., and Hilmes, C. L. "TRANAIR: A Full-Potential, Solution-Adaptive Rectangular Grid Code for Predicting Subsonic, Transonic, and Supersonic Flows About Arbitrary Configurations (User Guide)," NASA CR-4349, Dec.1992.
3. Transonic analysis of the F-16A with under-wing fuel tanks - An application of the TranAir full-potential code
4. TranAir and Euler computations of a generic fighter including comparisons with experimental data