1. Cooley, C. G., and Lewis, J. G. "Viking 75 Project: Viking Lander System Primary Mission Performance Report," Tech. Rep. CR-145148, 1977.
2. Galigher, L. L. "Aerodynamic Characteristics of Ballutes and Disk-Gap-Band Parachutes at Mach Numbers From 1.8 to 3.7," Tech. Rep. AEDC-TR-69-245, 1969.
3. Bobbitt, P. J., Mayhue, R. J., Faurote, G. L., and Galigher, L. L. "Supersonic and SubsonicWind-Tunnel Tests of Reefed and Unreefed Disk-Gap-Band Parachutes," Tech. Rep. 1970-1172, 1970.
4. Jaremenko, I., Steinberg, S., and Faye-Petersen, R. "Scale Model Test Results of the Viking Parachute System at Mach Numbers From 0.1 Through 2.6," Tech. Rep. CR-149377, 1971.
5. Eckstrom, C. V., and Murrow, H. N. "Flight Tests of Cross, Modified Ringsail, and Disk-Gap- Band Parachutes from a Deployment Altitude of 3.05 km (10,000 ft)," Tech. Rep. TM X-2221, 1971.