Space frame optimization subject to frequency constraints




1. TRW, Inc., TRW Space and Technology Group, Redondo Beach, CA


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference28 articles.

1. V. Optimization Procedure

2. The GHC approximations i n Cases B, C and 0 are more conservative than that i n Case A. Effects of constraint conservatism are revealed by the optimization results displayed i n Figure 7. It can be seen that the structural weight trajectory during early stages of the optimization process i s more stable for cases i n which the GHC approximation i s more conservative. While the designs i n Cases B and C were driven into the infeasible region at the third analysis, the more conservative GHC i n Case D kept the design i n the feasible region after two normal modes analyses were conducted. The final structural weight obtained i n these three cases i s approximately 111 Ibs requiring 7-9 normal modes analyses.

3. The third example problem i s the design of a payload frame structure which can be used i n the Space Shuttle Orbiter t o carry payloads. The f i n i t e element model i s shown i n Figure 8. Element connectivities are listed i n Table 4. The dash lines i n Figure 8 represent circular tubes with hinged ends, and dimensions are given i n inches. Elements 1-4 and 9-22 have cross section shapes of rectangular boxes, and members 5-8 and 23-29 represent symmetric I beams. The frame i s supported i n the X and Z directions at nodes 1 and 5, i n the Z direction at nodes 12 and 16, i n the Y direction at the node 9. Material properties are identical t o those used i n the second example problem. The frame supports a total payload of 25,000 Ibs which are represented by the concetrated masses i n the f i n i t e element model. The concentrated masses with a constant value of 2000 Ibs are located at nodes 2, 4, 6, 8, 13, 15, 17 and 19, and those with a value of 1500 Ibs are located at nodes 3, 7, 10, 11, 14 and 18. Lower limits are placed on the f i r s t three natural frequencies, i.e., w1 >6Hz, 2 6 .5 Hz.andw 3?9Hz. No other constraints are imposed except for small minimum gagerestrictionst LO.OO1 i n and and A L0.01 i n .

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