Aeroelastic applications of harmonic potential panel method to oscillating flexible bodies in supersonic flow




1. Arizona State University, Tempe


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference32 articles.

1. Mean flow pressures f o r a parabolic ogive are computed based on the l i n e a r and nonl inear i t e r a t i v e methods according t o Eqs. (41-17). Figure 4 shows t h a t the r e s u l t s o f the present HPP 1inear method and nonlinear method are i n excellent agreement w i t h those obtained by USSAERO Code ( l i n e a r ) and by exact method o f c h a r a c t e r i s t i c s (Ref. 7). Large discrepency i s found between 1inear and non-1inear results. Next, the nonlinear i t e r a t i v e method i s applied t o an ogivec y l inder-boattail body a t Mach number M,= 3.0 and a t angle o f attack ag= 3.2 O . It i s seen t h a t the present nonlinear r e s u l t s are i n good agreement w i t h those o f the Parabol ized Navier-Stokes (PNS) Code and the Euler Code (Ref. 8). Considerable deviation between the 1inear and the nonlinear r e s u l t s i s shown a t the apex o f the windward side.







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