1. InformationGroupLimited, UnitedKingdom, 1989,pp.88- d fewer data points, less fidelity is observed. Therefore, at present, Burgers' vortex profiles appear to be suitable for modeling initial vortex conditions for numerical studies involvingsupersonictip vortices. Ref. 18(which deals with vortices generated by a delta wing in the subsonic portion of a supersonic nozzle which are then accelerated to supersonic speed) uses Burgers' vortex profiles for numerical studies of shocklvortex interaction as do other recent computation^'^^^' andthepresentresultssuggestthat this is valid. 109.
2. Davis, T. 'The Measurement of Downwash and SidewashBehind a Rectangular Wing at a Mach Number of 1.6,"Journal of the AeronauticalSciences,Vol. 19,No. 5,May 1952,pp.329-332,340,