1. 5Parker, P. and DeLoach, R. "Response Surface Methods for Force Balance Calibration Modeling" 19thInternational Congress on InstrumentationinAerospace Simulation Facilities, ClevelandOhio,August2001.
2. 6Ulbrich,N.andVolden,T."Strain-GageBalanceCalibrationAnalysisUsingAutomaticallySelected MathModels,"AIAA 2005-4084, paperpresented at the41stAIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference and Exhibit, Tucson, Arizona,July2005.
3. 7Ulbrich, N. and Volden, T. "Development of a New Software Tool for Balance Calibration Analysis," AIAA 2006-3434, paper presented at the 25thAIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, San Francisco, California,June 2006.
4. 8DeLoach, R., and Ulbrich, N. "A Comparison of Two Balance Calibration Model Building Methods (Invited)". AIAA 2007-0147,45thAIAAAerospaceSciencesMeetingandExhibit,Reno,Nevada.Jan8-11,2007.