1. ample. The simulation was exec environment (gravity, aerodynamics, etc.) and for the spacecraft dynamics, sensors (IMU) and actuators (RCS). In addition, it calls the Guidance, Navigation, and Control (GN&C) algorithms as implemented in actual flight software. First, we will describe the behavior during the exo-atmospheric phase. Section A describes the spin-down and turn-to-entry, and section B the exo-atmospheric attitude hold. Then, we will show the atmospheric entry phase in section C. Figure 9 shows the GNC mode versus time. This mode provides information on the on-going GN&C activities. The simulation was set to start at time equal to 1000 s. The spin-down and turn-to-entry spans from 1000 s. to 1022 s. The exo-atmospheric attitude is in attitude-hold as wait-for-entry mode lasts from 1022 s to 1600 s. The entryphasestartsat1600sand endsat1778s.
2. P.B. Brugarolas, A. M. San Martin, E. C. Wong, "Entry Attitude Controller for the Mars Science Laboratory" AerospaceConf.BigSky,Mt.March2007.
3. G. F. Mendeck and G. L. Carman,"Guidance Design for Mars Smart Landers Using The Entry Terminal Point Controller"AIAA2002-4502,August2002.