1. Design of minimum mass structures with specified natural frequencies.
2. 2Dwyer, W. J., Emerton R. K., and Sabatelli P. L. "An Automated Procedure for the Optimization of Practical Aerospace Structures, Vol.II: Programmer's Manual", Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Report AFFDL-TR-70-118, Wright-Patterson AFB,OH,Apr., 1971.
3. 3Lynch,R.W.,RogersW.A.,BraymanW.W.,andHertzT.J."AeroelasticTailoringofAdvancedCompositeStructuresfor Military Aircraft, Vol.III: Modifications and User's Guide for Procedure TSO", Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Report AFFDL-TR-76-100, Wright-PattersonAFB, OH,April, 1971. Wright-Patterson AFB,OH, Feb., 1978.
4. 4Markowitz, J., and Isakson G. "FASTOP-3: A Strength, Deflection, and Flutter Optimization Program for Metallic and Composite Structures, Vol.I: Theory and Application", Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Report AFFDL-TR-78-50, Wright-PattersonAFB,OH, May,1978.
5. 5Markowitz, J., and Isakson G. "FASTOP-3: A Strength, Deflection, and Flutter Optimization Program for Metallic and Composite Structures, Vol.II: Program User's Guide", Air Force Flight Dynamics Laboratory, Report AFFDL-TR-78-50, Wright-PattersonAFB,OH, May,1978.