1. Spacecraft Electric Propulsion-An Overview
2. 3Courtney,D.andMartínez-Sánchez,“DivergingCusped-fieldHallThruster(DCHT),”30th International Electric Propulsion Conference, Florence, Italy, September 2007, also IEPC-2007-2039.
3. Main Physical Features and Processes Determining the Performance of Stationary Plasma Thrusters
4. 6Sovey, J. S. “Improved Ion Containment Using a Ring-Cusp Ion Thruster,” 16thInternational Electric Propulsion Conference, New Orleans, LA, November 1982, also AIAA-82-1928.
5. 7Kornfeld, G., Koch, N., and Harmann, H. P. “New Performance and Reliability Results of the THALES HEMP Thruster,” 4thInternational Spacecraft Propulsion Conference, Cagliari, Italy, June 2004.