1. Haberbusch, Mark S.; Walls, Laurie K. "Cryo-Tracker® Mass Gauging System Flight Qualification Testing," 54th Joint Army-Navy-NASA-Air Force (JANNAF) Joint Propulsion Meeting (JPM), Denver, Colorado May17,2007
2. Schieb, Daniel J.; Haberbusch, Mark S. Yeckley, Alexander J. "Cryo-Tracker® Mass Gauging System Testing in a Large Scale Expendable Launch Vehicle LOX Tank Simulator," 2006 SPIE Defense & Security Symposium, Orlando, Florida,April2006.
3. DePhillips, Thomas P.; Yeckley, Alexander J. Haberbusch, Mark S. "Cryogenic Propellant Mass Gauging Systemfor Propulsion Test Stands and Aerospace Vehicles: Advances in Software and Electronics," Proceedings of 2003 Propulsion MeasurementSensorDevelopmentWorkshop,Huntsville,Alabama,May12-13,2003.
4. Culler, Adam J.; Haberbusch, Mark S. Nguyen, Chinh T. "Autonomous Control of Cryogenic Liquid Replenishment and Liquefaction Systems," 49th International Instrumentation Symposium, Orlando, ISA, May 2003.