1. Haas, J. M., Hofer, R. R., Brown, D. L., Reid, B.M. andGallimore, A. D. "Design of the ##HallThruster forHigh Thrust/Power Investigation,"Presented at the 54th JANNAFPropulsion Meeting,Denver, CO, May14-17,2007.
2. Reid, B. M., Gallimore, A. D., Hofer, R. R., Li, Y. andHaas, J. M. "Anode Designand Verificationfor the ##Hall Thruster,"Presentedat the 54thJANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Denver, CO, May14-17,2007.
3. Hofer, R. R.,Goebel, D.M.andWatkins, R. M."Compact LaB6Hollow Cathodefor the ##HallThruster,"Presentedat the 54thJANNAFPropulsionMeeting, Denver, CO, May14-17,2007.
4. Brown, D.L., Reid,B.M.,Gallimore, A. D.,Hofer, R. R.,Haas, J. M.,etal."Performance Characterizationand Design Verification ofthe ##Laboratory ModelHallThruster,"Presentedat the54th JANNAF Propulsion Meeting, Denver, CO, May14-17,2007.