1. Magnetohydrodymnamic Energy Bypass Applications for Single Stage-to-Orbit Vehicles, AIAA Paper #2001-1901, presented at theAIAA/NAL-NASDA-ISAS 10thInternational Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Kyoto, Japan, April 2001.
2. Magnetohydrodymnamic Energy Bypass Applications for Single Stage-to-Orbit Vehicles, AIAA Paper #2002-2111, presented atAIAA 33rdPlasmadynamics and Laser Conference/14thInternational Conference on MHD Power Generation and High Temperature Technologies, Maui, Hawaii, May 2002.
3. AirbreathingPropulsion,AIAAPaper#64-243,1st AIAA Annual Meeting, Washington, D.C., July 1964.