1. M. Riehle, H. L. Kurtz, M, Auweter-Kurtz 1 kW Hydrazine Arcjet System Development. IEPC-97-008. Proceedings of the 25th International Electric Propulsion Conference August, Cleveland, Ohio,1997.
2. G. G. Spanjers, J. H. Schilling, S. F. Engelman, M. J. Dulligan, L. K. Johnson, D. R. Bromaghim ,"Contamination Analysis from the ESEX 26 kW Ammonia Arcjet Flight Experiment", IEPC-99-038,Proceedingsofthe26th IEPC,Kitakyushu,Japan,1999.
3. Richard Welle," Space Propulsion Application of Helium Arcjets", AIAA 97-0794,35thAerospace Science Meeting & Exhibition, Reno, NV,1997
4. Monika Auweter-Kurtz, Helmut L. Kurtz, " Optimization of Electric Thruster for Primary Propulsion Based on the Rocket Equation", IEPC01-181,Proceedingsofthe27th IEPC,Pasadena,CA,1999.