1. Robert L. Forward, Thomas J. Bogar, Michal E. Bangham and Mark J. Lewis, "Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch (HASTOL) System: Initial Study Results", Paper IAF-99-S.6.05,50th IAF Congress, Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 4-8October1999.
2. Thomas J. Bogar, Michal E Bangham, Robert L. Forward, and Mark J. Lewis, "Hypersonic Airplane Space Tether Orbital Launch (HASTOL) System: Interim Study Results", Paper AIAA-99-4802,9th Space Planes and Hypersonic Systems and Technologies Conference, Norfolk, VA, 1-5November1999.
3. John Grant, John Martin, Dan Nowlan, Brian Tillotson,andRobertP.Hoyt,"TheHASTOLTether System Applied to Commercial Launch", AIAA Paper 2001-3966,37th Joint Propulsion Conference, SaltLakeCity,UT,8-11July2001.
4. Robert P. Hoyt, "Design and Simulation of Tether Facilities for the HASTOL Architecture", AIAA Paper 2000-3615,36th Joint Propulsion Conference,17-19July2000.
5. Robert P. Hoyt, "Modular Design of a Tether Boost Facility for Earth-To-Orbit Launch Assist", Proceedings of STAIF 2002 Forum, Albuquerque,NM,3-7Feb2002.