1. Monotonic Lagrangian Particle Grid: A Fast Tracking Methodology for Air Traffic Modeling
2. 2Kopardekar, P. Bilimoria, K. and Sridhar, B. "Initial Concepts for Dynamic Airspace Configuration," AIAA Paper 2007-7763,AmericanInstituteofAeronauticsandAstronautics,Reston,VA,2007.
3. A vectorized “near neighbors” algorithm of order N using a monotonic logical grid
4. 4Picone, J.M., Lambrakos, S.G., Boris, J.P. and Jajodia, S. "Initial Comparison of Monotonic Logical Grid and Alternative Data BaseStructures," NRL MemorandumReport5860,Sept30,1986.
5. Geometric properties of the monotonic lagrangian grid algorithm for near neighbor calculations