1. 3. E. Green, D. J. Weeks, and J. W. F.Brooman. Prediction of turbulent boundary layersand wakesin compressible flow by a lag-entrainment method. R & M Report 3791, Aeronautical Research Council, HMSO, London,1977.
2. M. Drels. Two-Dimenaionaf Transonic Aerodynamic Design and Analysis Using the Eufer Equations. PhD thesis, MIT,Dec 1985. Also,MIT Gas Turbine & Plasma Dynamics Laboratory Report No. 187, Feb 1986.
3. H.H. Youngren. Analysis and Design of Transonic Cascades with Splitter Vanes. Report 203, MIT Gas Turbine & Plasma Dynamics Laboratory,March 1991. Also, SM Thesis,MIT Aeronautics and Astronautics, Feb. 1991.