1. Results for large angle minimum-time slewing are summarized in Table 12. These results refer to a 360-degree slew, 8 deg/s2accelerationthatresultinslewratesof56deg/s.Thetestswereconductedwitha400Hzsamplerate. Here, higher angular rates and slightly larger displacements at the interface are seen. In addition, larger forces are measured at the interface. Despite the larger relative motion, there no contact at the interface and the slew takes place successfully. The commands to the reaction wheel are well above the rated torques of the motor, but measurement of the current on the reaction wheel motor, indicates that the driver is able to provide the electric current to achieve the required high torque level. As the current driver for the reaction wheel motor is pushed further beyond its capabilities, its behavior becomes increasingly non-linear and the desired output torque is not be achieved. This results in increasedmotion at the DFP interface and impacts the measured slew performance. SlewAngle (deg) 360 -360
2. 1 -56.3 δX (mm)
3. 13 -1.54 δY (mm)
4. 89 -1.92 θ (deg) 0.17 -0.46 δ1 (mm)