1. MacCormack.R.W. "Magneto-Aerodynamic FlowCalculationswith StrongMagneticFields," 41AAPaper No. 2004-2163,2004. MacCormack. R.W."Flow Calculations with StrongMagneticEffixts," .41AA Paper No. 2OO./-O318,2004. MacCormack,R.W. "Flow Calculations with StrongMagneticFieilds," AIAA Paper NO.2003-3623,2003. Appendix: The Equations of Magneto-FluidDynamics (a)TheNavier-StokesEquations The unsteady equations of compressible viscous flow, without an impos 1:d magnetic field, canbewritten as
2. Apreviously presented implicit flux vector split algorithm for solving the equations governing magneto-fluid dynamics, for both equilibrium and non-equilibrium flow,has been under development.Thismethodhas been usedto simulate the physics of magnetic field interaction for both external and internal ionized flow2-3) . The method solves the complete set of MFD equations, including those for induction. Numerical difficulties were encountered, however, with strong imposed magnetic fields ofthe order of 10Tesla.An alternativeform of these equationswas developedto remove these difficulties.Itisdiscussedbelow. andthe originaleigenvaluestructure,but is better posed fornumerical solution.The state vec