1. Mitchell, G. A. and Mikkelson, D. C. "Summary and Recent Results from the NASA Advanced High Speed Propeller Research Program," NASA TM82891, June 1982. Design and Wind Tunnel Test o f a Propfan Model:' AIAA Paper No. 76-667, presented a t the AIAAI SAE 12th Propulsion Conference, Palo Alto, CA July 26-29, 1979.
2. Mendoze, J. P. "Interference Effects of Aircraft Components on the Local Blade Angle of Attack of a Wing Mounted Propeller,'' NASA TM 78587, June 1979.
3. Welge, H. R. "Propfan Integration at Cruise Speeds,'' AGARD CP 301 on Aerodynamics of Power Plant Installation, Sept. 1981.
4. Propfan installation aerodynamics of a supercritical swept wing transport configuration