1. In September of 1968 the writer and some of his students began a study of the shearing behavior of corrugated plates with discrete attachments at the ends of the corrugations. The intention was to provide more accurate analyses than were then available in the literature, to obtain data on stresses as well as stiffness,and to cover the kinds of end attachment conditio?s show in figure 3 and 4. The purpose of the present paper is to provide a survey of the methods used and the results obtained so far.
2. pig. 5 - Configurationof trapezoidallycorrugated
3. Fig. 7 -Assumptionsregardingdisplacements. same shape as the cross section, with stations 0 and 5 hinged and certain displacements inposed on the joints corresponding to stations 1, 2. 3 and 4. For the first node shorn in figure 7 (c) an upward vertical displacement of an amount of vl(z) is imposed at joint 1 and the same displacement is imposed downward at joint 4 , while joint 2 13 constrained to slide parallel to line 1-2 andpint 3 is similarly constrained to slide parallel to line 3-4. These sliding displacementsmust be vlsin 8, as shown in the figure, in order to satisfy the inextensibility assumption. For the second mode of figure 7(c) joint 2 is displaced an amount v(z) perpendicular to line 1-2 and Joint 3 a like amount perpendicular then more appropriate than E/(l-v2),