1. Data A. DigitalClearance Processing
2. [1]TAXIVIA17C/M5(#EM@1141946344)/EM(#17R@1141946469) |HS17R.[2]TAXIVIAEMCR46 As FARGO receives this pre-clearance, it is downloaded onto the flight computer for processing. The text message is displayed to the flight crew on a display such as the Lower EICAS shown in Figure 6, and it is also parsed for extraction of the route information to be displayed graphically to the flight crew, who can pre-visualize the route on the Electronic Moving Map (EMM) shown in Figure 6. The pre-clearance example above carries the following information:
3. [1]TAXIVIAL(#EH@1141951893)/EH(#17R@1141952016) |HS17R.[2]TAXIVIAEH CLD17R • Again this example involves two segments, where segment [1] expects the flight to be coming out of a