1. Limit Cycle Oscillation Flight Test Results of a Fighter with External Stores
2. H Flutter Analysis: A Direct Harmonic Interpolation Method
3. B.J.G. Eussen and M.H.L. Hounjet. Aeroelastic analysis of a fighter type aircraft in a LCO-sensitive configuration. Proceedings of RTO-AVT-MP-152 Limit Cycle Oscillation and Other Amplitude-Limited Self Excited Vibrations.pp24-21-24-18.2007.
4. B.J.G. Eussen, B.B. Prananta and M.H.L. Hounjet. Parameter study on dynamic aeroelastic simulations of fighter aircraft. Proceedings of RTO-MP-AVT-147ComputationalUncertaintyin MilitaryVehicleDesign.pp 24-1-24-16.