1. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Georgia 30332
This paper presents a new approach for autonomous motion planning for aircraft suffering from a loss-of-thrust emergency. Specifically, we show how modifications to the Closed-Loop Rapidly exploring Random Trees (CL-RRT) framework combined with controlled energy dissipation can enable rapid and effective kinodynamic motion planning. This CL-RRT Glide algorithm uses closed-loop prediction not only for node connections but also to estimate the remaining energy and prune infeasible paths. This greatly speeds up the search process, which is essential for emergency situations. In addition, we improve the ability of the gliding aircraft to reach a goal position and energy state. We do so by creating a Dissipative Total Energy Control Scheme (TECS). Dissipative TECS enables the glider to lose excess altitude in order to reach a desired energy level. Simulation results illustrate how the proposed methods enable faster motion planning. We also integrate the system into a small unmanned aerial vehicle system and experimentally demonstrate autonomous glide planning and execution during a motor-failure event. This type of algorithm can primarily benefit unmanned aircraft but can also serve to assist pilots in stressful emergency situations.
Sandia National Laboratories
American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics (AIAA)