1. $ = $ ` = O at y - 0 . 0 - 0 as Y - 0 .
2. Figure 4 shas the growth rates for both principal modes as a function of the spamise wavenumber 8. The relatively. strong subhamnic instability as well as the weaker tendency toward peak-valley splitting extends over a broad band of wavenumbers. The experimental value 8-0.231 is well within the region of strong grmth for both types of instability.
3. of Naval Research under Contract NW014-84-K-0093. and bv the^Air Force Oifice-if Scientific Research i d & Contract F49620-84-K-0002.
4. Klebanoff. P. S. 6 TiWstm. K. 0. "Evaluation of amplified uaves leading to transition in a boundary layer with zero pressure gradient.' NASA TN 0-195 (1959).