1. The Static Stability of a Two-Dimensional Curved Panel in a Supersonic Flow, with an Application to Panel Flutter
2. YatesJ. E.ZeijdelE. F. E. “Flutter of Curved Panels,” Midwest Research Inst. TR 59-163, 1959.
3. AndersonW. J. “Experiments on the Flutter of Flat and Slightly Curved Panels at Mach Number 2.81,” California Inst. of Technology TN 2996, Pasadena, CA, 1962.
4. StearmanR. O.LockM. H.FungY. C. “Ames Tests on the Flutter of Cylindrical Shells,” California Inst. of Technology, Structural Dynamic Rept. SM 62–37, Pasadena, CA, 1962.
5. On the density of the distribution of natural frequencies of thin elastic shells