1. Mars 2020 Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI2)
2. Mars Entry Instrumentation Flight Data and Mars 2020 Entry Environments
3. WrightH.WhiteT. R.KarlgaardC. D.SchoenenbergerM.TrombettaD.MahzariM.AlpertH.MonkJ.TangC.KuhlC. A.SantosJ. A. B. “Mars Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation 2 (MEDLI2): Complete Flight Data Set,” NASA TM, 2022 (to be published).
4. CheatwoodF. M.BoseD.KarlgaardC. D.KuhlC. A.SantosJ. A.WrightM. J. “Mars Science Laboratory (MSL) Entry, Descent, and Landing Instrumentation (MEDLI): Complete Flight Data Set,” NASA TM-2014-218533, Oct. 2014.
5. KarlgaardC. D.Van NormanJ.SiemersP.SchoenenbergerM.MunkM. M. “Mars Entry Atmospheric Data System Modeling, Calibration, and Error Analysis,” NASA TM-2014-218535, Oct. 2014.