1. W.R. Wilcox, "Zone Refining," pp903-917in Kirk-Othmer:Encyclopedia of Chemical Technology, Volume24,thirdedition,Wiley (1984).
2. [3]W. KellerandA. Muhlbauer,Floating-ZoneSilicon, Volume 5of PreparationspJ Propertiesof Solid State Materials,edited by W.R. Wilcox, Dekker, New York (1980).
3. C.E. Chang and W.R. Wilcox, "Thermocapillary flow in a cylindrical liquid drop at zero gravity," pp194-207inVolume 1ofProceedings of& International Colloquium on Drops and Bubbles, edited by D.J. Collins, M.S. Plessetand M.M. Saffren,JetPropulsion Laboratory,Pasadena,California(1974).