1. Becker, J., and Korycinsky, P. “Heat Transfer and Pressure Distribution at a Mach Number of 6.7 on Bodies with Conical Flares and Extensive Flow Separation,” Tech. Rep. RM L56F22, NACA,1956. DTIC citationAD0274584.
2. Chapman, D., Kuehn, D., and Larson, H. “Investigation of Separated Flows in Supersonic and Subsonic Streams with Emphasis of the Effect of Transition,” Tech. Rep. TR 1356, NACA,1958. NTRSnumber 19930092343.
3. Investigation of Separation and Associated Heat Transfer and Pressure Distribution on Cone-Cylinder-Flare Configurations at Mach Five
4. Hypersonic shock-wave/boundary-layer interactions on a cone/flare
5. Ginoux, J. “Investigation of Flow Separation Over Ramps at ~∞ = 3,” Tech. Rep. AEDC-TR-65-273, Von Karman Gas Dynamics Facility, Arnold Engineering Developement Center, 1965.