1. Design of Joints.The charts of Figs. 8-20 show that a curve of E versus Cnapproximately follows the line E - Cnup to the peak efficiency. However, the curve bends down sharply and quickly joins a rivetfailure line when the abscissa for maximum efficiency is exceeded. The methods for joint design which are presented in Sect. 9 may be confirmed by the observation that they invariably furnish joints that fall on or near the maximum points of Figs. 9-20.
2. The above example is only one in a large number of examples that verify the accuracy of the assumption that, in a set of consecutive rows where sheet yielding is not occurring, the rivets carry equal bearing stresses. This fact is illustrated by the close agreement between the test points and the theoretical rivet-failure lines on the charts (Figs. 9-20).