New height-dependent magnitudes and scales for turbulence modeling




1. Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta


American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics

Reference128 articles.

1. survey for updating the turbulence parameter values consisted of a search of the Scientific and Technical Arrospacc Abstracts. the International Aerospace Abstracts, and the Meteorological and Gcoastrophysical Abstracts for the period 1970 t o present. Parameter values resulting from this litreture review have been incorporated into thc turbulence siinulntion suhroutine .

2. I hc selected from the Rnyleigh distribution hy equation ( 4 ) . are assumed to be corrolnted ovcr horizontal and vertical separations w i t h scale values (intrgrnl scale) which are relntcd LO the horizontal and vertical scales of the turbulent velocity, through a ratio which was assiiinrd l o vary from 10.0 at the surface to 5.0 a t 20 kin and higher. For example, with a horizontal turhulrrrcc velocity scale of 0.52 km a t the surface, the horizontal signin scale i s assuined to be 5.2 kin Assumptions such as these were required bccnusc no observational data were found to provide direct estimates of the sigma scales. These ratio values (5-10) wrz-e assumed since turbulent vrlority statistics cannot accurately be determined from measurements unless the turbulence is stationary (relatively Constant sigma) over a t lensi 5 1 0 velocity scale values: hence a presumption that the sigma scales relative to the velocity scales are of a t least this magnitude range (with larger ratio values anticipated to occur at lower altitudes).

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