1. The model was mounted on a six-component force/moment balance and the angle of attack could be varied from 30" to 49O angle of attack. For these tests, the sideslio anale was set at zero. The tests were all run at M= 0.3(q 3-65 psf) resulting in a Reynoldsnumber of 3.3 x 106 perm (1 x 106 perft),or 0.9 x 106 based on the mean aerodynamic chord (27.4 cm) of a I/Bth-scale full-configuration model.
2. Figure 18a shows the effect of changing the leading-edge sweep angle of the strake. As expected, the smallest ([85:50])strake providesthe smallest range of variation for the separation location. The largest ([70:50]) strake, however, does not provide the largest range of variation. Among the three slrakes,the [80:50] appears to be the optimal shape which provides the maximum range of control for the separationlocationfor this model at this angle of attack. Similar observations can be made for the results of changingthe trailing-edge sweep shown in Fig. 18b, and the [80:50] strake again appears to be the optimal shape. 'O0O IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 BO 90 1Wl 10120130140150160170100
3. i1000 IO 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 SO 10010120130i401501eOl 7C 0