1. (56) ' o IL*J iso-*.! T^JC,UTOH,rusn.3uspi where A0andB0are givenby equations (10) and (11) respectively, and Q0G0, and./? are given in equations (17-18). Note that Q22was obtained in section 3.2. Thus, onlythevaluesof G0and./? remain to be determined now. The objective of the slow regulator problem is again to find the slow weighting matrix, Qu. Since the cost function has an off-diagonal term, it is removedbyintroducingthe transformation U,=-R.G;X,+V, (57) whichresultsin
2. v,0.0020 -32.1781 -0.0134 0
3. 0 0 1 -0.0180 -1.3453 -0.1255 867.2968 -3.23-1052.5-10'6-0.0006 -0.1266