1. 2Welge, H.R., Bonet, J., Magee, T., Tompkins, D., Britt, T.R., Nelson, C., Miller, G., Stenson, D., Staubach, J.B., Bala, N., Duge, R., O’Brien, M., Cedoz, R., Barlow, A., Martens, S., Viars, P., Rasheed, A., Kirby, M., Raczynski, C., Roughen, K., Doyle, S., Alston, K., Page, J., and Plotkin, K.J. ”N+3 Advanced Concept Studies for Supersonic Commercial Transport Aircraft Entering Service in the 2030-2035 Period”, NASA/CR-2011-217084, 2011.
2. The influence of solid boundaries upon aerodynamic sound
3. Aerodynamic sound generation by turbulent flow in the vicinity of a scattering half plane
4. Scattering of aerodynamic noise by a semi-infinite compliant plate