1. Some approximations for the dynamics of spacecraft tethers
2. A. H. von Flotow and N. M. Wereley, Advances in the Astronautical Sciences: Proceedings of the AAS/AIAA Astrodynamics Conference held August10-13,1987, Kalispell, Montana., ch. Coupling of Tether Modes with Sub-satellite Attitude Motion, pp.411-424. Vol.65, American Astronautical Society, 1988. paper no. AAS 87-433.
3. P. Kohler, W. Maag, R. Wehrli, R. Weber, and H. Brauchli, "Dynamics of a system of two satellites connected by a deployable and extensible tether of finite mass," Tech. Rep. Vol.1and 2,ESA(European Space Agency) Contract Report, October 1978. 2992/76/NL/AK(SC).