1. 1Jah, M.K. "A Proposed Use of Accelerometer Data for Autonomous Aerobraking at Mars," AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics SpecialistConference, AAS 01-386, QuebecCity, Canada, 2001, July30 - August 2.
2. 2Jah, M.K., Lisano, M.E. II, "6-DOF Aerobraking Trajectory Reconstruction by use of Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) Data for the Improvement of Aerobraking Navigation," 14thSpace Flight Mechanics Meeting, AAS 04-214, Maui, HI., 2004, February8-12.
3. 6Wawrzyniak, G., Lisano, M. "Using Inertial Measurements for the Reconstruction of 6-DOF Entry, Descent, and Landing Trajectory and Attitude Profiles," AIAA/AAS Astrodynamics Specialist Conference, AAS 02-164, San Antonio, TX, 2002, January27-30.