1. -1 (p0SL)(2m)- (BLsin y0)
2. d(FG)/dZ -a(1-2Z)e -2Z (39)
3. -1 y > B tn[5(k1+k2)] (48) For example, if we take the smallest value used b! Allen(4) for his nose cones, namely (k1+k2) = 10 , then with B-1 = 22,000 feet we obtain a critical altitude of 238,000 feet. Equation (25) for k2 clearly shows that this critical altitude decreases as -Cma + O, but as long as -Cma > 10-3 we find that CLa has a negligible effect because B-1is so large. This critical altitude for divergence occurs for all ascending vehicles because we must include theY0