1. The Aerodynamic Design of Aircraft
2. HummelD. “On the Vortex Formation over a Slender Wing at Large Angles of Incidence,” AGARD CP-247, Neuilly-sur-Seine, France, Oct. 1978.
3. WerleH. “Sur l’Eclatement des Tourbillons,” ONERA–The French Aerospace Lab. TN-175, Paris, 1971.
4. WentzW. H.KohlmanD. L. “Wind-Tunnel Investigations of Vortex Breakdown on Slender Sharp-Edged Wings,” NASA CR-98737, 1968.
5. LambourneN. C.BryerD. W. “Bursting of Leading-Edge Vortices–Some Observations and Discussion of the Phenomenon,” ARC R&M 3282, London, April 1961.