1. To provide R mcans of makinF: enclosed as well as frce-jet mca.snrcment,s, constant area ducts 9.>3 cm, 12.7 cm, 30.3 cm, and 145.7 cm long can be attached to the nozz 1.c. Constructcd 0-7 stainless stccl, the ducts are uncooled(heat sink) and contnin numerous static prcssure ports along the duct axia 1l.y and around the circumrerencc.
2. Heat release distributions vnryin: linearly with axial distmcc were input to the progrcm t o compare theorrtical static pressures with those acqujrcd 7rom the duct presrure taps. tion ro$ thi.s tmc of variation is provided in a Later scction. Figure 7(a) shows the st 8.ti.c pressurc distributions for Rir, nitrogcn, and v.itintcd air along the Ji'i.7-cm d u c or the ].owtemperature (1800° K) tast condition. 5.) are nomcwhzrt diXl"urent for case.? I. and 5, thc p,encml trends or the data are clearly thc S C . A theoretical heat rclease distribution correspondiug to 32$ of the injected hydrogen react& al'tcr 45.7 cm is .seen to give good rcprescntation of the static pressure dntn for both air and vitiatcd air csscs 1 and 5. Real-air data and thcory iiidicat,e 8. l.argfr pressure rise for the same mount of combustion because differences i n test-gns properti.es lead to slightly greater total tempcraturc rises and lower b!ach numlerc at the same axial location.
3. Iirnry, J. R., and Andcrson, G. Y. : Desi@ Considerations for thc Airfrme -Intcgrated Scmmjct. Prescntcd at First International Symposium on Air-Breathing Enginrh (Marseille, Frmcc), June 1372.