1. Adelfang, S. I., and Smith, O. E. "Wind Gust for Shuttle Ascent, Part H.", White Paper prepared for Electromagnetics and Aerospace Environments Branch (EL23) in support of Shuttle Systems Integration office, March 25,1997.
2. MIL-F-8785B (ASG), "Military Specification Flying QualitiesofPilotedAirplanes,"August 7,1969.
3. Tolefson,H.B. "SummaryofDerivedGustVelocities Obtained from Measurements within Thunderstorms," NACA Report 1285 (supersedes NACA Technical Note 3538),Langley AeronauticalLaboratory,LangleyField, VA,July 27,1955.
4. Thunderstorm - U.S.Weather Bureau Thunderstorm Project," NACA Technical Note 1233, Langley AeronauticalLaboratory,LangleyField,VA,January 29, 1947.