1. Sabatella, J.A. "Advanced Supersonic Propulsion Study - Phase I,"Final Report NASA CR-134633, January 1974.
2. Howlett R.A., J.A. Sabatella, J. Johnson, and 1. Sewall, "Advanced , Supersonic Propulsion Study - Phase 111, Final Report NASA CR-135148. December 1976.
3. Howlett, R.A., and F.D. Streicher, "l\$vanced Supersonic Propulsion Study - Phase IV, Final Report NASA CR-I 35273. December 1976.
4. Larson, R.S., D.P. Nelson, and B.S. Stevens, "Aerodynamic and Acoustic Investigation of Inverted Velocity Profile Coannular Exhaust Nozzle Models and Development of Aerodynamic and Acoustic Prediction Procedures." NASA CR-3168.