1. Maximum Likelihood Methods
2. Piloted Simulation to Evaluate a Real-Time Envelope Protection System for Mitigating In-Flight Icing Hazards
3. KleinV.SchiessJ. “Compatibility Check of Measured Aircraft Responses Using Kinematic Equations and Extended Kalman Filter,” NASA TN-D-8514, Aug. 1977.
4. MulderJ. “Estimation of Aircraft State in Non-Steady Flight,” Delft Univ. of Technology, TR-M-221, Delft, The Netherlands, Oct. 1974.
5. JonkersH. “Application of Kalman Filter to Flight Path Reconstruction from Flight Test Data Including Estimation of Instrumental Bias Error Corrections,” Delft Univ. of Technology, TR-VTH-162, Delft, The Netherlands, Feb. 1976.