American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics
Reference5 articles.
1. aJ. Miles,, Execution of the Spitzer In0Orbit Checkout and Science Verification Plan, SPIE 2004 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June21-25,2004,[5487-83]
2. bJ.H.Kowk, M. Garcia, E. Bonfiglio, S. Long, Spitzer Space Telescope Mission Design, SPIE 2004 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June21-25,2004[5487]
3. cR.K.Wilson, C.P. Scott, The Road to Launch and Operations of the Spitzer Space Telescope, SpaceOps2008 Conference,Rome,Italy,19-23June2006.
4. dP.Finley, Flight Cooling Performance of the Spitzer Space Telescope Cryogenic Telescope Assembly, Astronomical Telescope and Instrumentation, SPIE 2004 Conference, Glasgow, Scotland, June21-25,2004, [5487-02].
5. eC.P.Scott,B.K.Kahr,M.A.Sarrel,SpitzerObservatoryOperations-IncreasingefficiencyinMissionOperations, SPIE2004Conference,Orlando,FL,May2006.