1. 1 2 1 1 and A A -0.1 -0.1 0
2. As a consequence, as power supplies for the actuation lines were chosen two AMREL SPS100-33 power supplies which provided the control electrical currents between 0 A and 33 A. On the other way, these power supplies allowed to be controlled by Matlab/Simulink through a data acquisition card. To control the SMA actuators and to acquire the controller feedback data a Quanser Q8 communication board with 8 input and 8 output channels was used.22-24In this way, the input channels of the Quanser card were used for six thermocouples connected to the SMA actuators wires, and for two Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) potentiometers that sense the actuatorspositions. Two of the card outputchannelswereused to control eachpower supplythrough analog/external controlbymeansofaDB-15I/O connector.The samplingrate ofthe acquisitionedsignals wassetat0.01 seconds.